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This is a convenience container to scale a component based on the scrollY value. It is useful for creating a large header that will zoom when the user pulls one of the scroll containers down.



The scroll position of the scroll container. This is an animated Shared Value.


An optional number that represents the starting scroll position for scaling and translating the children. The transformations will clamp to this value. Defaults to 0.


An optional number that represents the ending scroll position for scaling and translating the children. The transformations will clamp to this value. Defaults to Dimensions.get('window').height * 0.1 (10% of the height of the screen window).


An optional number that represents the starting scale value for the children. Defaults to 1.


An optional number that represents the ending scale value for the children. Defaults to 1.05.


An optional string that represents the direction the children will translate as the component scales. It can be either right or none and defaults to right. If right is specified, the children will translate to the right as the component scales. If none is specified, the children will not translate.


The children to be scaled and translated.